Annual Meeting: Greater Hillsborough Area Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, April 29, 2021

5:30pm Zoom Conference

The Board of Directors would like to invite our members, their guests, and all other area business men and woman to our annual meeting on Thursday, April 29, 2021. We will briefly summarize our updated communication projects and activities as well as voting for our Directors and Officers. With 2020 in the rearview we will discuss our initiatives on how we plan to engage with the membership this year and work on strengthening the business community in the Greater Hillsborough Area. We appreciate all of the support from our members on their renewed memberships. We are happy to report that we have gained 7 new members so far this year. It’s not too late to get your 2021 dues paid. We look forward to seeing all of you there.

All Greater Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce members, as well as non-members of the greater Hillsborough communities, are invited to attend.

Please Register Here to attend the annual meeting.

If you have any questions, please email
